Try to time things to coordinate with your standard daily actions if possible.If you know that the next daily quest is going to require twelve 8hr productions then set those up the night before and collect in the morning, for example. The FOE Wiki always releases quest details based on what happened on the Beta Server (everything is tested there before final release), including the quests for the event questline itself. Regardless of this the following tips will all hold true. You’ll see a timer when this is the case telling you how long you must wait. The daily quests are released one day at a time so once you catch up you’ll have to wait until the clock resets at midnight server time to get the next day’s quest for the event. The main story quests are available all at once, so you can go through as many as you’re able as fast as you’re able. Everyone has to complete the main story before they can get to the daily quests part of the event, so by the time you hit the daily quests you’ll probably have at least a few days worth built up. To start with the event questline is usually broken up into two sections: The Main Story and then Daily Quests. Questlines are also the only common thing from one event to another, as the event mechanics themselves may differ from event to event. After all if you can’t complete the questline and get the rewards it offers (both event currency and many times parts of the event building you’re working towards), then nothing else matters. The basic reward is one that you should be able to achieve without paying any diamonds so long as you are diligent, manage your event currency wisely, and complete the event questline.įor the purpose of this article we will not be discussing anything aside from completing the questline, because this is usually the part that will cause the most issues. Events are a common occurrence in Forge of Empires, and the prizes are often super juicy and not something you want to miss out on.